This site is for applying and downloading Digital Signature Certificate in Mauritius. For detailed information about eMudhra and its products & services, please visit

Apply DSC

eMudhra's Digital Signature Certificate to digitally sign your documents.
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You can apply online for a DSC by submitting a duly filled application form along with other documentary proofs.

Download DSC

This option allows you to know more about download certificate.
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You can download DSC, once the DSC application is successfully validated and processed.

Revoke DSC

Revoke your certificate in case it is lost / compromised.
Revoke DSC

You can revoke DSC, if it is suspected of key compromise, change in personal data, etc.

Benefits of Digital Signature Certificates

Buy Digital Signature Certificate from eMudhra and get the following benefits

Visual Trust Indicators

Uncover document tampering using clear visual indicators.

Timestamp Documents

Verify the time and date of signing; determine validity of the signature.

Multi Signature Workflows

Seamlessly authenticate business critical documents that require multiple signatures.

Automatic and Manual Signing

Automatic (for signing in bulk) and manual (for signing one document at a time) signing options are available.